How Often Do I Need To Trim My Cats Nails?
It’s best to trim your cat’s nails every 2-3 weeks. It protects you and your family and helps your cat not get their claws caught in things.
Most cats do not like their paws being touched but they can be trained to tolerate even like their nails being trimmed. Ideally, it’s best to start as kittens but even adult cats can learn.
It’s important to regularly, play with their paws, best done when they’re sleepy, such as after a meal or playtime. Don’t attempt to play with their paws or trim their nails when they’re in a playing mood, it will not end well for you.
On semi-regular occasions gently pick up a paw and rub it with your fingers, practice gently squeezing one end of the paw so a nail extends, then let it go and reward your kitten/cat with a treat.
Introducing The Clippers
Let your kitten/cat investigate and sniff the clippers. Leave the clippers out and let them get used to them. Again, use treats so they associate the clippers with something positive.
How Do I Clip My Cat’s Nails?
Choose the right time, when your kitten is sleepy works best.
Find the position that works the best for you and your cat. On your lap, next to you, in front of you or on a bench or table.
Show the kitten the clippers allowing them to sniff them, gently lift the paw and squeeze so the nail extends. Then use the clippers to snip off the tip. Be careful not to cut into the quick (the pink part). Try to cut in front of the quick by a few millimetres not right up to it.
Don’t Push Your Luck!
After cutting a few nails you’re cat may start to get a bit sick of it. You can tell they’re reaching this point as they may start pulling their paws back or bitting the clippers. You need to stop! Don’t push it or your cat will learn to hate it. Come back another time and try to cut the other nails then. Ideally it is best to stop before they get to this point, leaving it on a positive note.
Over time they will get better and better. Eventually you should be able to cut all their nails in one sitting, as long as you pick the right time. But if your cat never reaches that point just continue to do a few each time.